We are a very happy team. Amazing things have happened in Ndgara, more than we dreamt of. This We are a very happy team. Amazing things have happened in Ndgara, more than we dreamt of. This community has been full of violence and fear for some years. The government resettled a group from a far away place, these people came from an area of tribal fighting and killing. They arrived with nothing, the local tribe didn’t want them there, and so it started again. Every time the new people started to gather anything to call their own, a chicken, a goat or a cow, the locals came and stole them. They used weapons, causing more fear and hurt. There seemed to be no solution.Last time we were there we asked the students if they could find it in their hearts to invite some of the other folk to our next training session. When we arrived sure enough they had done that, and they came. We taught amongst other things, on forgiveness and reconciliation, and the Holy Spirit was all over the place, it was a beautiful sight, we were in tears. Later in the day we stood with four tribes, all together worshiping and praying…….. something momentous and powerful happened there today. Transformation happened before our eyes.All the students decided to form a group called PottersHeart Dgara, the group intend to take this teaching to the whole community and further!We have been humbled and blessed, I’m so proud of The PottersHeart team, everyone of them gave it their all.Linden has been full of violence and fear for some years. The government resettled a group from a far away place, these people came from an area of tribal fighting and killing. They arrived with nothing, the local tribe didn’t want them there, and so it started again. Every time the new people started to gather anything to call their own, a chicken, a goat or a cow, the locals came and stole them. They used weapons, causing more fear and hurt. There seemed to be no solution. Last time we were there we asked the students if they could find it in their hearts to invite some of the other folk to our next training session. When we arrived sure enough they had done that, and they came. We taught amongst other things, on forgiveness and reconciliation, and the Holy Spirit was all over the place, it was a beautiful sight, we were in tears. Later in the day we stood with four tribes, all together worshiping and praying…….. something momentous and powerful happened there today. Transformation happened before our eyes. All the students decided to form a group called PottersHeart Dgara, the group intend to take this teaching to the whole community and further! We have been humbled and blessed, I’m so proud of The PottersHeart team, everyone of them gave it their all.
Linden x